Web-based Telephone Alert Service

Developing an outbound call application


This sample shows the steps to phone-enable any application using Voicent Gateway, a VoiceXML gateway that is fully functional on a PC with a simple voice modem. You can download a free Voicent VoiceXML Gateway at Voicent Website.

The web-based phone alert service is a web application written in Java/JSP. However, it it no necessary to interface with the phone server (Voicent Gateway) with Java/JSP. The gateway used HTTP as its command protocol, so any programming language with web/HTTP client will do.

Though simple, this sample contains all the basic components to phone-enable an application:

  • Dynamically create an phone message, either text or audio based
  • Send call request to the phone server
  • Query call status

Using a VoiceXML gateway server as your development platform, you can save a lot of time on your product development. Instead of dealing with telephony specific problems, you can focus on creating value added features for your customers. The following products are all based on Voicent VoiceXML Gateway.

Project Documentation

You can access it Voicent's website (Sample: Web-based phone alert system)

Thank you and have fun.